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Darien Porter
Iowa State
6’2 & 3/8” / 197 / 33 & ¼” Arms / 79 & ½” Wingspan

Martin Emerson / Cleveland
Player Comparison
Ideal physical makeup for outside CB – very tall, with a great frame, and very good mass. Possesses grapevines for arms and a huge reach. 6th year senior in his first year starting. Strong and physical in press coverage – effectively re-routes WRs at the LOS. However, when he misses the jam, he lacks the burst and quickness to catch up. Lacks great short area reaction skills and is best in either press or zone coverage where he can read the QB’s eyes and use his size to win at the catch point. High points the ball well and has good hands. Fights and competes at the catch point where his size, strength, and length allow him to win against smaller WRs. Slightly stiff in the hips and this leads him to lose phase at the break point with quicker WRs. Lacks a great closing burst on the ball in the air. Fundamentally sound tackler who sometimes has difficulty breaking down and will miss some tackles in space.